Shandong intelligent express delivery station reconstruction project case

Good news, Luoyang Baiwei Company successfully helped Shandong express station to rebuild the intelligent express delivery station project. The customer's previous business mode was to manually sort the express package and notify the user to pick it up, which was time-consuming and laborious. The modified model is that the staff at the express delivery station are responsible for placing the express packages into the express cabinets, and the users open the boxes and pick up the packages themselves through the pick-up code. This greatly improves the delivery efficiency of express delivery site staff and saves unnecessary labor investment costs. In addition, users can also receive express delivery at any time of the day, and no longer have to worry about being unable to receive express delivery due to work.

The following is some photos of Shandong intelligent express delivery station:

intelligent express cabinet

Intelligent express cabinet design drawing

intelligent express cabinet

Shandong intelligent express delivery station on-site photo

If you are interested in intelligent express site business and want to know more about the express locker business, please feel free to contact us.